NEW! EL84 Pack for Kemper

John Grammatico has been building amps for some of music’s biggest stars for years and recently relocated to Nashville where I got the opportunity to meet him and try out many of his amps at his shop. They were all great and each had their own thing going on, whether it be tweed or dumble or trainwreck inspired.

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Every Time I Think I Know Something…

Every time I think I know something… I’m proven wrong. I’m sure there are many lessons to be had in this realization but, like most humans, I’m reluctant to admit when I’m wrong, except maybe to close friends. What are these things I’ve been wrong about? Thanks for asking… As a self-admitted guitar snob, I […]

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John Grammatico has been building amps for some of music’s biggest stars for years and recently relocated to Nashville where I got the opportunity to meet him and try out many of his amps at his shop. They were all great and each had their own thing going on, whether it be tweed or dumble or trainwreck inspired.

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Thoughts from a luddite

It seems counter to reality but I find myself feeling like a luddite lately.  If you’re unfamiliar with the term, it is defined as: Lud·dite noun 1. DEROGATORY a person opposed to new technology or ways of working.   Now, it should be noted that if I were a true luddite, I wouldn’t be using […]

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MBritt Artist Profile – Nico Schliemann

NAMM is coming up soon and I was reminded of a super awesome guitar player that I met there a couple of years ago. We chatted about tone and Kempers and guitars and man, what a nice dude! Rod Castro was also kind enough to spend a few hours with me when he passed through Nashville this year

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Blackjack Pack for Kemper

John Grammatico has been building amps for some of music’s biggest stars for years and recently relocated to Nashville where I got the opportunity to meet him and try out many of his amps at his shop. They were all great and each had their own thing going on, whether it be tweed or dumble or trainwreck inspired.

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What’s my “Secret”?

First of all, let me just state that I think profiles and profiling, although a scientific process, is still a very subjective endeavor. It still relies heavily on how the amp is set and how the speaker is mic’d and each of the individual parts contribute to the overall outcome.

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New TONEHUB format tones

As most of you already know, I’m kind of a Kemper guy. I also make presets for other devices (Atomic Amplifire, Line 6 Helix, HX Stomp, POD Go) as well as IRs. I’m always looking for ways to help players get usable tones from digital devices for a few reasons.

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Tone is Irrelevant (and other musings)

If there’s one thing that 2020 has taught me is that sometimes too much free time is dangerous. Random thoughts pop in my head while driving (or any other mundane activity) and there’s nothing else to drive them out before they try to take root. Take yesterday,

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New Glenn DeLaune song

I had a conversation with Joe Morgan almost a year ago and we talked about doing a collaborative pack for his amps so I started the journey. Then Covid happened. Between all of the shutdowns and schedule changes and kids in remote learning, etc. I finally got a chance to finish it just a bit ago.

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